Thursday, September 19, 2024
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CVR College of Engineering The Cherabuddi Education Society was registered in January 1999 as an NRI-promoted society. The Society  aims at creating a state-of-the-art engineering institution in association with leading NRI technology professionals and well-known academicians of the twin states of Telangana & Andhra Pradesh.  The Society aims to harness technical excellence with a commitment to the ethos of 'useful learning'.  Read the Full Story
Autonomous Institution CVR College of Engineering has been granted autonomous status by the UGC. CVR has set a record by getting this status in the shortest time (less than 12.5 years since the establishment) among 300+ colleges in the entire Telangana (Osmania University) area.    Read the Full Story
NAAC 'A' Grade, NBA Accredited for 7 UG programs under Tier 1 CVR College of Engineering is accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade from 2016 to 2021 (in the process of renewal). The college is also accredited by NBA (National Board of Accreditation) in Tier-1 for seven of its UG programs - EIE for a period of 3 years from 2021-2024, CSE, Civil, Mechanical, IT for a period of 3 years (2022-2025) and ECE, EEE for a period of 6 years (2022-2028). NBA has also accredited the M.Tech. (VLSI) and M.Tech. (Structural Engineering) PG programs for a period of 3 years from 2022-2025.  Read the Full Story
Record Placements The college has been creating records year after year. In spite of a huge recession year with about 75 companies visiting CVR and above 900 placements for the 2023-24 academic year, it is the highest among the peer group of colleges. The average salary increased to a new high. The highest offer is a remarkable Rs. 33,00,000 and more than 100 students got offers with high salaries, a new record. About 225 offers are higher than Rs. 6 Lakhs. Further details can be seen here: Placements 2023-24   Read the Full Story
Graduation Day CVR College of Engineering celebrated its graduation day on 15th July, 2023 with grandeur amidst the dignitaries, the governing council members, staff, students and their parents. The Chief Guests for the Graduation Ceremony were Shri. Anurag Kumar, Chairman & Managing Director, ECIL and Dr. P.V. Radhadevi, Director, ADRIN, ISRO.  Read the Full Story
Arts & Culture @CVR CVR promotes the holistic development of students by inculcating creative and critical thinking skills through various cultural and extra-curricular activities. CVR has eleven active clubs for encouraging students to participate in activities such as debate, book-reading, Model United Nations/Youth Parliament, Talks, quizzes, theatrical performances, singing, dancing, painting, movie-making, script-writing, photography, direction, video-editing, and article writing.   Read the Full Story
Sports @CVR Sports and physical activity influence the everyday lives of people of all ages, in leisure and at work, and affect our sense of well-being at an individual, community and national level. Participation in sports and physical activity is emphasized at CVR because of all the health benefits. All students are encouraged to take part in various sports and games like Volley Ball, Cricket, Football, Basket Ball, Carroms, Chess, Table Tennis and many more... Read the Full Story
Library The College has a dedicated three-storied building with a total area of 1800 sqm, for the exclusive use of Library and Postgraduate Research facilities. The College library has 69,227 books, 14,857 reference titles and 165 journals (including IEEE Journals along with full access to Digital Libraries of IEEE, ASME, ASCE etc.) that cater to all the seven branches of engineering, as well as other disciplines. Read the Full Story
Student Centre The Student Centre is an independent four-storied building with a canteen, gym, indoor sports facilities, medical centre, and placement office. It is a place for students to eat, meet and recreate amidst the hectic academic schedule. Read the Full Story

Department Website


The department aims to produce quality Software Engineers, with an attitude to adapt to ever changing IT needs of local, national and international arena, through teaching, interactions with alumni and industry.


M1:  To provide a holistic learning environment for students and to create awareness in legal and ethical practices.

M2:  To provide quality infrastructure through labs, other resources and to continuously upgrade to the latest technology requirements.

M3:  To train the students in soft skills to excel in placements and competitive exams at higher levels.

M4:  To develop into a Centre of excellence for application development using open source technologies and contribute to the open source community.

M5:  To have a healthy industry - institute interaction through faculty development programs, student internships, guest lectures and so on.

M6:  To provide a research oriented environment for the faculty to meet the ever-changing societal needs.

M7:  To provide effective consultancy to meet the industrial requirement.

Program Educational Objectives

Program Educational Objectives are broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing graduates to achieve.

PEO 1: Graduates will acquire capability to apply their knowledge and skills to solve various kinds of computational engineering problems.

PEO 2: Graduates will be in a position to recognize and incorporate societal needs and practice their profession with high regard to legal and ethical practices.

PEO 3: Graduates will be ready to work in projects related to complex problems involving multi-disciplinary areas.

PEO 4: To evolve as resourceful engineers catering to global changes and engage in life-long learning.

PEO 5: To enable the students with required soft skills, that can be used in a pragmatic manner and excel in diverse environments in the competitive world.

Program Outcomes

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

PO 1.  Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. 

PO 2.  Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. 

PO 3.  Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. 

PO 4.  Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. 

PO 5.  Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. 

PO 6.  The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. 

PO 7.  Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. 

PO 8.  Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. 

PO 9.  Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. 

PO 10.  Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. 

PO 11.  Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. 

PO 12.  Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. 

Program Specific Outcomes 

PSO 1:  An ability to analyze a problem, design algorithm, identify and define the computing requirements within realistic constraints and implement through analytical, logical and problem solving skills.

PSO 2:  Ability to design and develop prototype innovatively leading to product development and contributions to open source community meeting ever changing societal needs.

PSO 3:  Effectively integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment.

PSO 4:  Ability to pursue higher studies and research in inter-disciplinary areas. 


Course Outcomes

R18 Course Outcomes

R15 Course Outcomes


Department Website


  • 4 B.Tech. Labs


  • IBM System x226 eServers
  • HP Proliant ML110 G7 Servers
  • Apple Mac Mini Server
  • Zenith & HCL desktops with LCD/LED monitors
  • RFID equipment
  • Tablets (iPad, Android)
  • LCD projectors
  • Laser printer/scanners


  • All Microsoft software (through MSDN subscription)
  • Rational Suite (including Rational Rose)
  • All Oracle software (through Oracle Academy membership)
  • AutoDesk Maya
  • AutoDesk 3ds Max
  • OS X Mountain Lion Server
  • Various flavors of Linux


  • Department Library
  • Seminar Hall
  • Conference Room


 Department website


  • Electronic Circuits Lab – I
  • Basic Simulation lab
  • Electronic Circuits Lab – II
  • Digital Logic Design Lab
  • Linear IC Applications Lab
  • Analog Communications Lab
  • Digital Communications Lab
  • Digital Signal Processing  Lab
  • Microcontrollers Lab
  • Microwave Engineering Lab
  • VLSI System Design lab,
  • Research Centre
  • Design lab
  • Project Lab

PG Labs

  • RTL Simulation and Synthesis with PLDs Lab
  • VLSI Physical Design Lab
  • Analog and Digital CMOS VLSI Design Lab
  • VLSI Design Verification and Testing Lab
  • Embedded programming Lab
  • Operating systems Lab
  • Programmable SOC Lab
  • Advanced Microcontroller Lab


  • Regulated power supply (0-30 V)
  • Function generators (0-1 MHz)
  • DDS Function Generators (0-20MHz)
  • Multi-meters
  • Voltmeters
  • Ammeters
  • Decade Resistance Boxes
  • Decade Capacitance Boxes
  • Decade Inductance Boxes
  • Transformers (6-0-6)V
  • Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (0-20 MHz)
  • Digital Storage Oscilloscopes (0-50MHz)
  • Class A Power Amplifier Kit 
  • Single Tuned Voltage Amplifier Kit
  • Hartley and Colpitts Oscillator Kit
  • Darlington Emitter Follower Kit
  • Universal Digital Lab Trainer Kits 
  • IC Tester.
  • Component Development Trainer (MTSCDT)
  • Spectrum Analyzer (0-1050 MHz)
  • AM Modulation and Demodulation Kit
  • Balanced Modulator and Demodulator Kit
  • SSB- SC Modulator and Detector Kit
  • FM Modulation and Demodulation Kit
  • Pre-emphasis and De- emphasis Kit
  • TDM Multiplexing and Demultiplexing Kit
  • Sampling Theorem Verification Kit
  • PAM Modulation and Demodulation Kit
  • PWM Modulation and Demodulation Kit
  • PPM Modulation and Demodulation Kit
  • AGC Characteristics Trainer Kit
  • Spectrum Analyzer (0-1050 MHz)
  • Pulse code modulation trainer kit
  • Differential Pulse code modulation trainer kit
  • Delta modulation trainer kit
  • Frequency shift keying trainer kit
  • Phase shift keying trainer kit
  • Differential Phase shift keying trainer kit
  • QAM Trainer Kit
  • Reflex Klystron based Microwave Bench Setup 
  • Gunn Oscillator based Microwave Bench Setup
  • Magic Tees
  • Circulators
  • Horn antennas
  • Antenna Stand with Rotation and Display
  • Directional Coupler
  • Vector Network Analyser (3.6 GHz)
  • Synthesized Generator with Modulator
  • Pulse Generator
  • DSP Processor kits (TI) 
  • FPGA kit (Spartan-3)
  • Micro Processor kits 
  • (8086) with 8255 interfaces
  • 8051 microcontroller Board
  • LCD Interfacing Kit
  • Matrix Keyboard Interfacing Kits
  • ADC Interfacing Kits
  • DAC Interfacing Kits
  • Stepper Motor and DC motor Interfacing Kit
  • Traffic light controller Kit
  • Arduino Uno Boards 
  • IC/IoT development trainer kit using Arduino 
  • Embedded controller evaluation board
  • CY3210-psoc Eval 1
  • LPC-2148 ARM7 Boards
  • Stepper motor interface card kit
  • Elevator interface card Kit
  • 8051 microcontroller kit
  • NI MyRIO-1900 Kit
  • NI MyRIO Mechatronics kit
  • ARM processor TMD SSK3358 starter kit
  • Rasberry PI 3 Model B
  • Rasberry PI 4 combo kit
  • Sensor module kits
  • Rasberry PI official touch screen display
  • Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP)
  • Software Defined Radio
  • Digital Signal Generator
  • Clock Distribution device
  • GPS module-
  • wifi wireless transceiver
  • Microcontroller Boards
  • Computers.
  • All other standard ECE lab equipment


  • MATLAB Software – Licenced
  • MULTI SIM 14.0 (National Instruments)
  • Assemblers for 8086 Processor - Open Source
  • IDE for 8051 Microcontroller Open Source
  • Xilinx ISE 12.4-licensed
  • Cadence Tools-licensed
  • CST Studio Suite 
  • CHAMP software
  • Network Simulator
  • Xilinx ISE System Edition
  • Cadence University Software Program Licensed
  • LAB View
  • Programmable System on chip (PSOC)
  • KEIL IDE for 8051 and ARM 
  • Intel tools


  • Department Library
  • Computer Centre
  • Seminar Hall
  • Conference Room


Faculty, B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) 

Dr. K. Rama Sastri
Emeritus Professor, Director

Dr. K. Ramamohan Reddy
Professor & Principal

Dr. B. Naga Malleswara Rao
Professor, HoD and Associate Dean (Accreditations & Approvals)

Dr. N. Narayana
Emeritus Professor

Dr. T. Muralidhara Rao

Mr. P. Yashwanth
Associate Professor

Mr. N. Ramanjaneyulu
Senior Assistant Professor

Mr. S. Praveen
Senior Assistant Professor

Mr. K. Mahesh
Assistant Professor

Mr. M. Ashok Kumar
Assistant Professor

Mr. B. Ramanjaneyulu
Assistant Professor

Dr. Ch. Venkatesh
Assistant Professor

Dr. Ch. Sonali Sri Durga
Assistant Professor

Dr. R.Karthik
Assistant Professor



B.Tech II Year I Semester (R22: 2023 Batch) I Mid Examinations

In view of the heavy rains, the college will remain closed on Monday, September 2, 2024

B.Tech III Year I Semester (R22: 2022 Batch) I Mid Examinations

Re-Evaluation and Re-Counting Notifications for the Results of B.Tech III Year II Semester Regular (R18: 2021 Batch) & Minor Regular, III/II, III/I Supplementary (R18, R15 & R12: 2014 to 2021 Admitted Batches) Examinations

Re-Evaluation and Re-Counting Notification for the Results of B.Tech IV Year II Semester Adv. Supplementary, II/I Regular (Readmitted & Transfer Students) & III/I Supplementary (Transfer Students) Examinations

B.Tech IV Year I Semester I Mid Examinations

M.Tech I Year II Semester II Mid Examinations

M.Tech I Year II Semester (R22:2023 Batch) Regular and I/I, I/II & II/I (R18 & R22: 2018 to 2023 Admitted Batches) Supplementary Examinations

Re-Scheduled B.Tech I Year II Semester (R22:2023 Batch) and I/II, II/I and I/I Supplementary Examinations Notice

RC/RV Results of B.Tech I/I, I/II, IV/I & IV/II and M.Tech I/I Regular and Supplementary (R22 & R18) Examinations

RC/RV Results of B.Tech II/I (R22: 2022 Batch) and Supplementary (R18) II/I & II/II and M.Tech I/II (R22) Supplementary Examinations

B.Tech IV Year II Semester Advanced Supplementary (R18 & R15: 2015 to 2020 Admitted Batches) Examinations Notification

B.Tech IV Year II Semester (R18: 2020 Batch) Minor Advanced Supplementary Examinations Notification

B.Tech I Year II Semester (R22: 2023 Batch) Regular and III/I, II/I and I/I Supplementary (R22, R18, R15 & R12: 2014 to 2023 Admitted Batches) Examinations Notification

B.Tech III Year I Semester (R18: 2020 & 2021 Batches) Minor Supplementary Examinations

B.Tech I Year II Semester (R22: 2023 Batch) Mid II Examinations

B.Tech III Year II Semester (R18: 2021 Batch) Substitution Examinations Notice

RC/RV Results of B.Tech III/I (R18) Regular and Supplementary Examinations

Re-Evaluation and Re-Counting Notification for the Results of B.Tech IV/II Regular (R18:2020 Batch), Minor Regular and IV/II & IV/I Supplementary Examinations

(previous news)

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2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy, Green Computing & Sustainable Development (ICREGCSD 2025), by EEE Department, February 21-22, 2025

A 2-Week Online FDP On "Transforming Education: Integrating OBE and NEP 2020", by ECE Department, July 22 - Aug 2, 2024

A 1-Day Online Training on Graphic Operation Terminal, by EIE Department, June 1, 2024

A 1-Week Online FDP on "Innovations in VLSI Architectures, SoC Design and Verification", by ECE Department, April 30-May 4, 2024

A 1-Week National Skill Development Program on "Securing Blockchain Applications", by CSE and IT Departments, April 22-26, 2024

A 10-Day Online FDP on "Current Trends & Future Prospects: Fostering Innovative Thinking in EV Technology (CTFPEVT-2024)", by Institutional Innovation Council and EEE Department, April 8-18, 2024

A 2-Week Online FDP on "Recent Advancements in Deep Learning for Computer Vision Applications", by ECE Department, April 1-12, 2024

A 5-day Online FDP on "Data Science", by IT Department, March 11-15, 2024

A 1-Week Online FDP on "AL & ML Applications to EVs and Electrical Engineering" (AIMLEEE-2024), by EEE Department, March 11-16, 2024

A 1-Week Online Skill Development Program (SDP) on "Internet of Things in Smart Spaces" (IoTSS-2024), by EEE Department, February 26 - March 2, 2024

A 3-Day International (Virtual) Workshop on "Non Linear Systems Including Differential and Difference Equations with Mathematical Software", by Department of Mathematics, February 15-17, 2024

A 1-Week FDP (online) on Research Methodology, by ECE Department, February 5-9, 2024


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Courses Offered

B.Tech.: Civil, CSE, CSE (AI & ML), CSE (Data Science), CSE (Cyber Security), CSIT, ECE, EEE, EIE, IT, Mechanical

M.Tech.: Artificial Intelligence, Data Sciences, Electrical Power Engineering, Embedded Systems, Structural Engineering, VLSI Design




The Centre for Student Services and Placement at CVR provides personal and career-related support to its students.




