Saturday, March 29, 2025

Dr.Lakshmi H N, Ph.D.

Dr.Lakshmi H N  obtained her Ph.D. in  Computer Science from Central University, Hyderabad in the year 2016.  She received her M.S  from the BITS Pilani in 2001  and prior to that she completed her Bachelors Degree from BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore. She has around 22 years of teaching experience and joined as a faculty member in the Department of CSE,  CVRCE in 2006. She received her promotion as Associate Professor in 2006. She was elevated to Professor position in the Department of IT in  2016.  She was designated as Head of the Department of CSIT in 2019 and subsequently headed the Department of Emerging Technologies with Programmes of B.Tech CSE(AI&ML), B.Tech. CSE(CS) and B.Tech. CSE(DS). As Associate Dean of Emerging Technologies, Dr. Lakshmi H N oversees the administrative matters related to 3 departments – Dept. of AI&ML, Dept. of Cyber Security and Dept. of Data Science.

Prof Lakshmi teaches subjects related to Programming like C, Java , Python , Web Technologies, Android Programming, etc. She also teaches other courses like Data Structures, Algorithm Analysis, Operating Systems.  Beyond her academic contributions, she has served as Chairman,  Board of Studies for CSIT, B.Tech. CSE(AI&ML), B.Tech. CSE(CS) and B.Tech. CSE(DS) at CVR College of Engineering. Presently she is also a member of the Academic Council, CVR College of Engineering. She has been a resource person for Faculty Development Programs on various courses conducted by various departments in the college.

Her research areas include Web Services, Machine Learning, Algorithm Analysis and Data Mining. She has authored 19 research papers, one book chapter in Springer, out of which 5 papers are DBLP and 9 are Scopus indexed, and have around 20 citations. She has served as a reviewer for several international conferences organized by other colleges and universities.