Saturday, February 22, 2025

Dr. M.V. Seshagiri Rao, Ph.D.

Dr. M.V. Sheshagiri Rao is a double postgraduate in Structural Engineering and Software Engineering, with a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering.  He is having 37 years of research, teaching, consultancy and construction experience. In the first seven years of his career in A.P. Engineering Research Laboratories, he was involved in the model analysis of prestigious projects like Godavari Barrage, Priya Darshini Jurala project, third railway bridge near Vijayawada and gauging of left and right canals of river Krishna.

At JNTU, he worked in various capacities like Project Engineer, Project Officer for the UGC Academic College building, Head of Civil Engineering Department, Vice Principal, Director, BICS and Chief Engineer, BOS Chair person, Member, Board of Governors, JNTUHCEH. He was also the Coordinator for Academic and Research for JNTUHCEH and NBA Nodal Centre, JNTU Hyderabad.  He has published over 190 research papers and won eight awards for his publications and works. He was named Outstanding Concrete Technologist 2006 by the Indian Concrete Institute for his contribution to the field concrete technology, given the BEST TEACHER AWARD by Govt. of AP in 2009 apart from other awards for his papers.

He has guided 20 Ph.D. scholars, more than 150 M.Tech. projects and completed R&D projects sanctioned by DST & AICTE and others.

He was a member of National Programme for Capacity Building Of Civil Engineers In Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBEERM) by MHRD for training field engineers in Earthquake Risk Management. He was also an expert member for UGC, AICTE, UPSC and for APPSC. He has published two books on Engineering Mechanics and Concrete Technology.