Saturday, February 22, 2025

Workshops and Seminars

S.No Name of the Workshop/Seminar Number of Participants Date From – To
1 RM - Three Day FDP on Research Methodology 12 30-10-2019 to 01-11-2019
2 RM - Research Methodology 18 10-08-2019
3 EP - Workshop on “enterpreneurship in Upcoming Business Ideas” 73 10-02-2020
4 EP - Workshop on “Entrprereneurship in Agritech” 51 17-02-2020
5 EP - Design thinking” course for students 198 08-02-2020 to 20-02-2020
6 EP - FDP on “Design Thinking”: 30 4th, 8th, 11th, and 18th, January, 2020
7 EP - Enterpreneurship Awareness Camp 125 26-09-2019 to 28-09-2019
8 EP - One Day workshop on Enterpreneurship 24 13-08-2019
9 EP - Workshop on “Enterpreneurship”: 57 25-07-2019
10 EP - Workshop on “Enterpreneurship”: 63 11-07-2019
11 EP - One day seminar on "Awareness Programme-2020 on MSME" 78 06-03-2020
12 SD- One Day Workshop on "Virtualization & Vmware Tools" 88 01-09-2019
13 SD - One Day Training on MIT App Inventor 49 4-1-2020
14 SD - Two Day Training on Basic Embedded System Design using Arduino 130(Batch wise) 27-28-01-2020, 29-30-01-2020,31-01-2020-01-02-2020
15 SD - Two Day workshop on Fluid dynamics with Mathematicia Under TEQIP-III (JNTUH) 40 13-12-2019 to 14-12-2019
16 SD - Two DayTraing on TCL Scripting For EDA Tools 5 23-01-2020 to 24-01-2020
17 SD - Two-Day National Workshop on “Geotechnical Practices & Challenges” (GPAC-2020) 74 10-01-2020 to 11-01-2020
18 SD - Workshop on ANSYS APDL for beginners in CAE 27 06-03-2020 to 07-03-2020
19 SD - Advanced Structural Simulations and Optimization 60 26-07-2019
20 SD -  Three Day National Workshop on “Material sustainable Infrastructure Development”(MSID – 2019) 90 25-09-2019 to 27-09-2019
21 SD - One day seminar on Physical Design 16 26-08-2019
22 SD -  One Day Seminar on Scripting Languages for VLSI Design 17 01-08-2019
23 SD -  Three Day National Workshop on “Solid Waste Management Practices” 30 19-08-2019 to 21-08-2019
24 SD -  A three-day workshop on “MATLAB for Mechanical Engineers” 62 11-07-2019 to 13-07-2019
25 SD -  Data Science using R 30 11-06-2019 to 15-06-2019
26 SD -  Front End Engineering (FDP) 25 27-08-2019 to 31-08-2019
27 SD -  Python for Data Sciences  29 13-09-2019 to 14-09-2019
28 SD - Demystifying Blockchain (Seminar) 41 13-12-2019 to 14-12-2019
29 SD - A One Week FDP on "A Deep Dive into Blockchain Technology and Application Development" 25 02-12-2019 to   06-12-2019
30 SD -  Technical Event on Hardware Platforms for Engineering Applications 49 7-9-2019
31 SD -  Hands-on Training on Electromagnetic Software Tools 32 27-09-2019
32 SD -  Two Day Workshop on Raspberry Pi Using Python 21 07-09-2019 & 09-09-2019
33 SD -  Memorial Lecture 100 27-07-2019
34 SD -  Machine Drawing Through AutoCAD 40 faculty 24-06-2019 to 28-06-2019
35 SD - Statistics in Data Science 40 7,14, 21-12-2019
36 SD -  Three Day FDP on ASIC physical Design Using Cadence Tools 11 19-09-2019 to 21-09-2019
37 SD - Three Day Refresher Course on Microcontroller 26 02-12-2019 to 04-12-2019
38 SD -  Short TermTraining on High Level VLSI System Design using EDA Tools 22 25-11-2019 to 29-11-2019
39 SD -  Workshop on ANSYS Simulations for Mechanical Engineers IV Year I Semester students 24-10-2010 to 25-10-2019
40 SD -  Lab View & PLC –Mechanical Engineering Perspective. 51 25-11-201 to 30-11-2019
41 SD -  “Refrigeration & Air-conditioning” 30 11-09-2019
42 SD -  FDP on Machine Learning(ML-2019) 53 18-11-2019 to         30-11-2019
43 SD -  FDP on Data Analytics Through Python 32 10-06-2019 to         14-06-2019
44 SD - Evening and Weekends FDP on Mobile Application Development using Andoid 37 25-06-2019 to         20-07-2019
45 SD - A One Week FDP on Machine Learning 33 17-06-2019 to         21-06-2019
46 A Two Day Workshop on IOT and Smart Applications 73 26-09-2019 to       27-09-2019
47 SD - Technical Talk on "Surveillance Video Analytics" 39 08-10-2019
48 SD- Technical event - TechShastra2k19 500 24-10-2019 to        25-10-2019
49 SD - ServiceNow Academic Paartner Program(SNAPP) 45 24-06-2019 to 10-08-019
50 SD - Virtusa Pega & FEE(Front End Engineer) 37 02-12-2019 to 31-12-019
51 SD - Technology Entrepreneurship(TEP) 2.0 - ISB 23 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2020
52 SD - Wipro Talent Next Program 57 09-08-2019 & 31-09-2019
53 SD - Wipro Talent Next Program 286 27-07-2020 to 10-11-2020
54 SD - Birlasoft Batch-1 30 19-04-2019 to 19-07-2019
55 SD - Birlasoft Batch-2 26 09-12-2019 to 20-11-2020
56 SD - EPAM PRE- Education Program 27 26-02-2019 to 13-08-2019
57 SD - EPAM PRE- Education Program 60 21-01-2020 to 23-06-2020
58 SD -"Lessons from Sports" Cdr Santosh nagarajan, Associate Director- Learning & Development , Organized by Virtusa 280 01-06-2020
59 SD - Decoding Virtual Interview  by MV Chalapathy , Senior Director & Head HR- Hyd ATC , Organized by Virtusa 300 06-06-2020
60 SD - "Are you virtual ready" Education to Employment by Dr.Murali Padmanabhan,Senior Vice President & Global Head - Talent Development , Organized by Virtusa 250 13-06-2020
61 SD - "Skillset & Traits" for the future "making your job qualified" by Dr Ashwin S,Senior Vice President - Global Head CTOL, Organized by Virtusa 250 18-06-2020
62 SD - Interactive Session on " Adopting Zero Trust Architecture" by Venu Gopal P, Head-Security Assurance , Organized by Virtusa 250 20-05-2020
63 SD - LinkedIn Strategies and Hack to land a dream job by Seetharam L, Director - Talent acquisition. 250 23-05-2020
64 SD - Excite Summer Product Engineering workshop 4 22-05-2019 to 29-06-2019
65 SD - INFYTQ Training on DBMS 300 2/1/2020 to 4-1-2020 &6/1/2020 to 11-1-2020
66 SD - INFYTQ Training on PYTHON 300 28/1/2020 to 31-1-2020
67 SD - INFYTQ Training on PYTHON & SE 300 1/2/2020 to 5-2-2020 & 12/2/2020 to 13-2-2020
68 SD - GILLETTE workshop for first year students 650 12-02-2020
69 SD - Virtusa Pre-Placement Talk 322 10-07-2020
70 SD - Rurathon(36 hours) - JHUB, JNTU Hyderabad 53 Teams , 231 Students 27-12-2019 & 28-12-2019
71 RM -  Four Day Training on Research Methodology 34 30-10-2019 to 01-11-2019
72 IPR FDP on Intellectual Property Rights 14 5-09-2018 to 7-09-2018
73 EP -  FDP on Design Thinking 31 4,8,11 & 18-01- 2019
74 EP -  Workshop on Enterpreneurship 120 07-09-2018
75 EP -  Workshop on “Startup Ideas” 80 20-09-2018
76 EP -  “enterpreneurship Awareness camp” sponsored by enterpreneurship Development Institute of India(EDII), Ahmedabad 85 28-09-2018 to 30-09-2018
77 EP -  Start Enterprenuers 2019 20 24-01-2019
78 EP -  Cinecia 2k19 24 23-01-2019 to 24-01-2019
79 EP -  Workshop on “Enterpreneurship” 143 02-02-2018
80 EP -  Technical talk on Enterprenuership Skill Development program,"Engineer to an entrepreneur" by Naveen Kumar,City Manager of Krazybee & Sharath Konatham,Co-Founder of HEDnxt 101 02-08-2018
81 EP -  Enterpreneurship 36 20-09-2018
82 A Three Day Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp was organized by EDC.The Camp was sponsored by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India under DST-NIMAT Scheme (2018-19). 80 15-02-2018 to 17-02-2018
83 EP -  Research and Development Showcase at IIIT Hyd  10 faculty members and 40 students 23-02-2019 to 24-02-2019
84 EP -  Enterpreneurship Summit [E- Summit] 15 19-012019 to 20-01-2019
85 SD -  Overview of Electrical and Computer Engineering  at University of Dayton,Ohio State,USA 19 09-01-2019
86 SD -  Project Expo 100 05-01-2019
87 SD -  A one day student hands-on Workshop on “Advanced Industrial Automation For IOT - IIOT Systems Using PLC or SCADA” 58 22-09-2018
88 SD -  A 3 day Faculty Development Program was conducted by the Dept of EIE in collaboration with Mitsubishi Electric India Private Limited on “Hands on Experience in Plc & Hmi - Mitsubishi Fa Learning Set Up” 13 29-10-2018 to 31-10-2018
89 SD -  A 2 day student workshop was organized by EIE DEP - t. on “PCB Design and Fabrication”, by experts from Purple Techno Solutions, Hyderabad 27 11-01-2019 to 12-01-2019
90 SD -  Finite Element Analysis Through Ansys 28 1-02-2019 to 03-02-2019
91 SD -  Faculty Development Program on  “Engineering Graphics through AutoCAD”  49 11-06-2018 to 15-06-2018
92 SD -  Workshop on 2D Modelling using AutoCAD 30 15-02-2016 to 16-02-2019
93 SD - Hands-on Implementation of Power Electronic Circuits 21 26-11-2018 to                         28-11-2018
94 SD -  iOS Application Development 27 16-2-2019 to           2-3-2019
95 SD -  3D Gaming 67 09-01-2018
96 SD -  A two day workshop on "2D Drafting and Annotation using Auto CAD" 30 07-03-2019  to       08-03-2019
97 SD -  Two day training on "A Practical implementation of IoT using Python and Rasberry PI" 10 08-02-2019 to 09-02-2019
98 Recent Trends in Big data Analytics 84 05-09-2018 to 06-09-2018 
99 Technical Event - Techshastra2k18 500 29-12-2018
100 SD -  Python Programming 58 23-02-2019, 2-03-2019 & 9-03-2019
101 SD - Real Time Simulation of HDVC and FACTS Devices (Through ICT) 16 28-01-2019 to 01-02-2019
102 SD - TCS Pega Selects- special session 200 14-02-2019
103 SD - PEGA-UAP (University Academy program) 106 21-02-2018
104 SD -  ServiceNow Academic Partner Program(SNAPP) 39 01-10-2018 to 12-10-2018 & 28-11-2018 to 8-01-2019
105 SD -  Mitsubishi Electric Drive   29-10-2018 to 31-10-2018
106 SD -  TPO Webinar for TCS Ninja 100 25-07-2018
107 SD -  VirtusaPega &  FEE (Front End Engineer) 37 13-08-2018 to 12-10-2018
108 SD -  Boot camp : Artificial Intelligence with IBM Watson(level-1) 400 09-01-2019
109 SD -  EXCITE 2016 Summer Product Engineering Workshop 9 17-05-2018 to 30-06-2018
110 SD -  J-Hub Hackathon(36 hours) 63 teams, 189 students 11-01-2019 to 12-01-2019
111 EP - One Day workshop on Enterpreneurship 37 02-02-2017
112 EP - One Day workshop on Enterpreneurship 121 12-01-2017
113 EP- Faculty Development Program in Enterpreneurship Development 30 30-10-2017 to 11-11-2017
114 SD - AICTE Sponsered Two weeks FDP on Applications of Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems (APERES) 21 20-11-2017 to 04-12-2017
115 SD- A Practical approach of signal processing and Embedded system Design through LabVIEW 33 23-04-2018 to 26-04-2018
116 SD -  FDP on Data Visualization and Machine Learning with Python 46 09-04-2018 to 13-04-2018
117 SD -  Computer Applications In Construction Planning And Management (CACPM-2018) 24 24-04-2018 to 26-04-2018
118 SD -  Learning Real Time DAQ concepts with NI ELVIS and myRio for Multi Disciplinary Engineering Applications 21 16-04-2018 to 18-04-2018
119 SD -  Workshop on FEM through ANSYS 39 08-02-2018 to 09-02-2018
120 SD -  Internet of Things 45 15-01-2018
121 SD -  Two Day workshop on Machine Learning using Python 75 24-1-2018 to 25-1-2018
122 SD -  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV’s)-Drone 48 14-12-2017 to 15-12-2017
123 SD -  Training on Cadence tools(Installation & Practice) 21 7-12-2017 to 8-12-2017
124 SD -  Python Programming 59 12-08-2017
125 SD -  Advanced Industrial Automation for IOT-IIOT systems using PLC,SCADA & OPC 55 11-12-2017 to 13-12-2017
126 SD -  FDP on Emerging Trends in Manufacturing 50 21-12-2017 to 23-12-2017
127 SD -  Signal processing and communications with hands on using MATLAB. 45 06-11-2017 to 11-11-2017
128 SD -  Digital system design using FPGA and Simulink 37 20-11-2017 to 25-11-2017
129 SD -  Three day National Workshop on Analysis and Design of RCC and Steel Structures using ETABS 31 21.09.2017 to 23.09.2017
130 SD -  Training Program on AutoCAD & CNC Programming 40 08-09-2017 to 09-09-2017
131 SD -  Information Security Awareness Program 115 11-08-2017
132 SD -  Invited Talk on "Software Defined Data Center" 40 08-08-2017
133 SD -  Hands on IoT 103 27-07-2017 – 28-07-2017
134 SD -  LabVIEW for industrial Applications 52 06-07-2017 to 8-7-2017
135 SD -  Microprocessor and Microcontrollers 36 12-06-2017 to 14-06-2017
136 SD -  Two Day IEEE Workshop on Big Data and Hadoop 87 06-10-2017 to 07-10-2017
137 SD - AICTE Sponsered Two Day Seminar on Hands on Embedded System Design Using Arduno 54 30-01-2018 to 31-01-2018
138 SD - Recent Advances in Biomedical Engineering  26 02-04-2018 to 07-04-2018
139 SD - Treading towards management career 137 21-12-2018
140 SD - Introduction to Django Framework 31 17-07-2017
141 SD - Advanced Android Programming by CDAC 60 11-01-2018
142 SD- Mobile Application Development using iOS 29 19-01-2018
143 SD - Secure Coding Practices 180 15-02-2018
144 SD - Digital and Analog VLSI Design using CADENCE 32 05-06-2017 to 09-06-2017
145 SD -  Three Day In-House Workshop on “Urban Traffic Modelling Using VISSIM (UTMV-2017)” 34 26-10-2017 to 28-10-2017
146 SD -  Data Analytics with R 42 15-09-2017 to 16-09-2017
147 SD- Technical event - TechShastra2k17 300 12-12-2017
148 EP -  ISB TEP - Student Admission information session II-II students 02-02-2017
149 EP -  TEP -  2.0 - ISB 16 05-09-2017 to 30-09-2019
150 EP -  Design Thinking Workshop for 2017-19 batch of Technology Enterprenuership Program 16 14-09-2017 to 15-09-2017
151 SD -  Amazon Dev Tech Talk 200 05-01-2018
152 SD -  EXCITE 2017 Summer Product Engineering Workshop 9 20-05-2017 to 17-06-2017
153 SD -  PEGA-UAP Program (2019 Batch) 106 21-02-2018 to 16-06-2018
154 SD -  Young India Fellowship Seminar for ECE & Mech Students of 3rd year 200 01-02-2018
155 SD -  EIS Technova 10 08-12-2017
156 SD -  Guest Lecture by ALTAIR Engg for Mech & Civil Students 300 10-08-2017
157 SD - Birlasoft Certification Program-Salesforce Certified App Builder  9 24-09-2017 to 25-09-2017
158 RM -  LabVIEW Based System Design for Multidisciplinary Research Application 28 21-11-2016 to 25-11-2016
159 EP -  A One-day workshop on Venture Startups 20 23-02-2017
160 EP -  A Garage story on building an IoT startup 76 01-03-2017
161 EP -  Entrpreneurship awareness camp 200 19-01-2016 to 21-01-2016
162 SD -  Rapid Prototyping - 3D Printing Technologies 21 20-03-2017
163 SD -  ‘R’ Programming 32 17-02-2017 to 18-02-2017
164 SD -  A two-day workshop on “GATEWAY TO R&D COMPANIES” 41 24-01-2017 to 25-01-2017
165 SD -  A one-day workshop on “Advanced Java Scripts technologies”, for students. 70 28-01-2017
166 SD -  Three day workshop on Application of STAAD Pro in Civil Engineering 23 10-01-2017 to12-01-2017
167 SD -  Workshop on Bigdata Analytics 62 21-12-2016 to 23-12-2016.
168 SD - Workshop on ‘Behavior of Composites’ 30 23-12-2016 to 24-12-2016
169 SD - Invited Talk on "How Apple is changing the World & Gateway to R & D Companies" 56 15-11-2016
170 SD - A Two Day Workshop on “ Ethical Hacking” 110 9-09-2016 to10-09- 2016
171 SD - Internet of Things(IoT) 48 09-02-2017
172 SD - Invited on Tools and Techniques for trusting the web 50 05-12-2016
173 SD - Virtual instrumentation using LabVIEW Version 2015 36 4 to 5-06-2016
174 SD -Ethical Hacking 30 30-06-2016
175 SD - AngularJS 30 28-01-2017
176 SD - Effective Presentation Skills 30 10-08-2016
177 SD - Biometric Authentication Systems 33 20-07-2016
178 SD - R & D for self-reliance in Strategic Electronics 71 17-02-2017
179 SD - One week workshop on "VLSI & Embedded System Design in Communications" 44 15-11-2016 to 19-11-2016
180 SD - One week FDP on "Global Trends in Renewable Energy Systems and Smart Grids"(GTRESSG-2016) 50 21-11-2016  to         26-11-2016
181 Technical Event - Techshastra2k16 300 10-07-2016
182 EP -  Idea to Market Bootcamp(2016-18 TEP -  Batch) 32 13-03-2017 to 14-03-2017
183 EP -  TEP -  - ISB Student Admission Information Session 300 02-02-2017
184 EP -  ISB-TEP -  Workshop 31 29-09-2016 to 30-09-2016
185 EP -  TEP -  2016-18 Batch 31 19-07-2017 to 14-05-2018
186 SD - Workshop on AUTOCAD By TASK 55 8-12-2016 to 10-12-2016
187 SD - KIC University Team visit 200 07-08-2016
188 SD - BPM-PEGA (Virtusa University Program) 37 12-09-2016 to 8-10-2016
189 SD  -Infosys Campus Connect Soft Skills Faculty Enablement Program 10 17-08-2016 to 18-08-2016
190 SD - Codevita Webinar  100 08-07-2016
191  SD -EXCITE 2016 Summer Product Engineering Workshop 9 27-05-2016 to 2-07-2016
192 SD - Workshop on "Public Key Infrastructure(PKI)" 22 12-12-2015
193 SD - Workshop on "Public Key Infrastructure(PKI)" 30 21 to 22-01-2016
194 SD - Core fundamentals of Android 16 12-09-2015
195 SD - Mobile is changing the World 22 15-12-2015
196 SD - Technical Talk on Project for Students 22 09-11-2015
197 SD - Internet of Things(IoT) 22 16-10-2015
198 SD - Recent Developments In Construction Practices 64 22-09-2015
199 SD - Software Testing  59 13-11-2015
200 A two-day workshop on "Public-Key Infrastructure" 49 21-01-2016 to 22-01-2016
201 SD - Two day workshop on Technical Colloquium 105 29-01-2016 to 30-01-2016
202 EP -TEP -  Student Information Session 300 11-04-2016
203 SD - Global Edge FDP 30 22-04-2016
204 SD - CVR-Remote Internship Project Final Review  20 12-04-2016
205 SD - Unisys Cloud 20-20 V7 (Seminar) 100 06-01-2016
206 SD - Cyber Security by TCS 80 19-01-2016
207 SD - Persistent Digital Disruption Workshop 5 18-12-2015
208 SD - TASK-AUTO CAD workshop for Civil & Mech   25 30-11-2015 to 2-12-2015
209 SD - TCS-TBU-PMP Projects-Workshop FDP 50 19-11-2015 to 20-11-2015
210 SD - BPM-PEGA (Virtusa University Program) 25 03-08-2015 to 22-10-2015
211 Employability Skills and Technology Trends 100 24-07-2015
212 SD - Agile Workshop  120 05-11-2015
213 SD - Organization Impact Skills and Art of Facilitating behavioural skills -FEP 50 7-10-2015 to 9-10-2015
214 SD - Codevita Webinar 200 30-07-2015
215 SD - TCS-EIS Technova Workshop 80 22-12-2015

(Please refer to Newsletters for further updates.)