Sunday, December 22, 2024


National Conference on Recent Innovations in Science & Engineering (RISE-2021)


A one-day National Conference on Recent Innovations in Science & Engineering (RISE) was held at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, CVR College of Engineering, on 13.03.2021. The conference was jointly organized by Civil Engineering Department and Mechanical Engineering Department.

 The conference was inaugurated by Dr.K.S. Nayanathara, Principal. Prof. L. C. Siva Reddy - Vice Principal and Prof. K. Lal Kishore - Dean, Research graced the occasion. Prof. K. Lal Kishore delivered the keynote address of the conference.

 Dr. M. Venkata Ramana, Professor & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, addressed the gathering and Dr. T. Muralidhara Rao, Professor & Head, Civil Engineering Department briefed the conference.

 Dr. K. Kishore Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, extended the vote of thanks to all the guests, delegates, participants and students.

 The objective of this conference was to provide a platform to the academicians, research scholars, engineers and students to share their research knowledge and also to expose the participants to cutting edge technologies.

 The one-day conference comprised of 2 sessions, with 13 speakers per session. Each speaker was given 10 minutes to present and 2 minutes for questions. Each conference session related to core themes of recent advances in mechanical and civil engineering.

 The conference was attended by 80 participants and 26 technical papers on various topics were presented.