Sunday, February 23, 2025

Dr.S.Venkateshwarlu, Associate Editor of CVRJST

Dr. S. Venkateshwarlu is Professor of the EEE Department with B. Tech. (EEE), M. Tech. (NIT-W) and Ph. D. (OU). His specialization is Electrical Machines and Industrial Drives. He has total experience of 30 years in teaching. He joined Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology, Hyderabad as Associate Professor in EEE Department in the year 1999 and became professor in 2008. Later in 2010 he took charge as Head of the Department of EEE and served the college up to July 2013. He worked as Expatriate teacher at Arba Minch University, Ethiopia during 2004 – 2007. Then joined as a Professor of EEE in CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad on 2nd August 2013, and became Head of the Department of EEE in November 2013 and served as Head of the Department until July 2023. He is now at CVRCE as Professor of EEE Department. 

He is a member of IEEE and reviewer for IEEE and other peer reviewed journals. He has received “Best Teacher Award” twice atSNIST, Hyderabad in the years 2002 & 2003. He has completed 1JNTU-TEQIP III Project and one AICTE sponsored FDP. He is an associate editor of CVR Journal of science and technology. He was the BOS chairperson of the EEE Department. He is the president of Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat club of CVR college of engineering. He has around 40 publications both in international journals and conferences which include national journal publications and conference papers to his credit. He has 3 Ph.D scholars out of them one was awarded in 2022 and two teachers are pursuing their Ph.D.

Dr.S.VenkateshwarluB.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D., MIEEE
Professor of EEE & Associate Editor of CVRJST
Scopus id: 36979953500
Orcid id: 0000-0002-9828-3103
Publon id (WoS Researcher id):  AAW-8927-2020
Google Scholar id: iibpACsAAAAJ
Vidwan id: 370013
ResearchGate Profile id: 32506958
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