Enhanced Call Admission Control based on History in BWA Networks

  • Dr. A. Christy Jeba Malar
  • Dr. M. Deva Priya


WiMAX is a wireless technology that supports many blooming applications. To efficiently assign resources to traffic flows, bandwidth allocation and Connection Admission Control (CAC) modules are included in MAC layer and Burst Allocation (BA) module is added to PHY layer. It is essential to lessen delay and effectively schedule requests for BA. In this paper, CAC-based on History (CACH) and scheduler based on Delay Tolerance (SDT) for BA are proposed for WiMAX networks. CACH accepts/ rejects connections based on values in Contention Window (CW) in former Time Frame (TF). SDT and a Bucket-based BA (BBA) assign resources to flows with least amount of DT. Performance is analyzed based on throughput, Packet Loss Ratio (PLR) and delay.

Index Terms: WiMAX, Contention Window, Contention Delay, Delay Tolerance, Traffic Priority, Connection Admission Control, Burst Allocation
