IR Sensor based Smart Parking System

  • Dr. Humaira Nishat
  • Shakeel Ahmed


Nowadays congestion of traffic level increased with the increase in population. As the population increases, the utilization of vehicles also increases. It's becoming a difficult task to find a slot to park the vehicle. To overcome this problem, a smart parking system is introduced. Previously, there were some approaches to this system where Bluetooth and GPS tracker were used to find the empty slots, and different sensors were used for indoor and outdoor parking. In some approaches there was no security for the user’s details. Whereas in the proposed system, every slot has a number which makes it easier for the user to find out the empty slot. IR sensors are used to detect the vehicle and the empty slot is displayed on LCD as well as cloud server where the user’s details are secured. Smart parking system is an IoT based system which includes Raspberry pi, LED display, Cloud Server, Monitor and IR Sensors that are available in each parking slot. The proposed system leverages the advantages of IR sensor technology to accurately detect the presence of vehicles in parking spaces, provides real-time information to the users, and improves overall parking efficiency. The paper discusses the system architecture, sensor deployment strategies, and implementation, thereby showcasing the potential benefits of IR sensor-based smart parking systems.


Index Terms: camera, cloud, parking, Raspberry Pi, sensors, vehicles
