Smart Precision Interface for Conventional Agricultural Methods

  • S. Praveen Chakkravarthy
  • Juluri Sai Teja
  • Gaddam Vivek
  • Kalakuntla Vishal
  • Sahithi Vangala
  • Juluri Sai Teja


Abstract: The Indian agricultural industry needs a huge amount of water and fertilizers to produce a significant harvest. Applying precise farming methods can transform the agricultural industry. Utilizing cutting-edge methods like IoT (Internet of Things) and data analytics, the paper seeks to alleviate the gap between farmer and his crop. The goal of the information and technology-based farm management system is to recognize, assess, administer the temporal variability and abstraction among fields for maximum production and profitability, sustainability, and conservation of the land resource by reducing the assembly costs.


Index Terms: Conventional Farming, Internet of Things (IoT), Data Analytics, LoRaWAN Communication Protocol
