Testing and Validating of Water Quality Using Raspberry Pi2 Model B With the help of IOT

  • C. Venkat Rao Emeritus Professor, CVR College of Engineering/ECE Department, Hyderabad, India
  • M.B. Kalpana M. Tech, CVR College of Engineering/ECE Department, Hyderabad, India


Water being hypothetical solvent, varies from region to region. Now a days water pollution becomes a universal concern for not acquiring green globalization, and also it should meet the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A) standards. The typical method of challenging fluoride, turbidity, and pH is done by collecting water samples manually, these samples are  sent to the laboratory for quality check. It is time consuming process. The above method is unable to reach  water quality testing standards. The run of the mill method comprises of fluoride sensor, turbidity sensor and pH sensor for water grade testing. The Raspberry Pi2 model B gets the  data from these three sensors and it will be sent to the server through  internet via the communication modules like GPRS/UMTS/CDMA. It can detect various testing parameters pertaining to the purity of water and it implements the required task. The existing system will be suitable for a particular area and it helps in avoiding health hazarding conditions. In the proposed method a simple system for testing and validating the water quality check is implemented using Raspberry Pi2 model B. It has been developed in order to cover more water storage areas with the help of IOT technique.
