A Model for Safety-Critical Real-Time Systems by making use of Architectural Design Patterns

  • U.V.R. Sarma CVR College of Engineering, Department of CSE, Ibrahimpatan(M), R.R. District, A.P., India
  • Sahith Rampelli CVR College of Engineering, Department of CSE, Ibrahimpatan(M), R.R. District, A.P., India
  • P. Premchand Osmania University, Department of CSE, Hyderabad, A.P., India


Design Patterns, which give abstract solutions to commonly recurring design problems, have been widely used in the Software and Hardware domain. This paper presents the principles of Architectural & Design patterns for Real-Time Software Systems. For the successful application of design patterns for Safety-Critical Real-Time systems, an integration of a number of architectural design patterns is desirable. For this reason, a pattern catalog is constructed that classifies commonly used Hardware and Software design methods. Moreover, it is intended to construct the catalog such that an automatic recommendation of suitable design patterns for a given software application can be made. The paper focuses on reliability patterns and studies the impact of the patterns on the QoS. To support the designers, a tool is developed to suggest the patterns
that are appropriate for the software based on the characteristics of the problem. This tool will be able to help generate the code template for the selected design pattern.
