Speed Control of BLDC Motor using DRV8312EVM in VisSim Environment
The paper presents controlling the Speed of Brushless DC Motor by using VisSim software interfaced with a GUI named InstaSPIN-FOC (Field Oriented Control).VisSim is a software related to Visual Environment for model based exploring the Embedded Systems. It has a highly ingenious diagram-to-code capability, which reduces the complexity of design, time and improves quality of the product. In recent times, Brushless DC Motor has found wide range of Industrial applications for its high reliability, high efficiency, more torque per weight and low maintenance. InstaSPIN-FOC is a complete sensor-less FOC, which provides a solution in on-chip ROM for the selected devices (FAST observer, FOC, speed and current loops), masterfully governs the speed of the Motor without use of any speed sensors.
This paper provides a basic understanding of DRV8312 and F28069. Simulation using VisSim have been executed. Prior to VisSim, simulation is performed with MATLAB Simulink. The speed waveforms for various gain settings are observed and hence studied the drive response. In this paper, the Speed Control of Brushless DC Motor using DRV8312 evaluation module along with F28069 control card in VisSim environment is been implemented.
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