EIE Dept. CVR college of Engg.


Faculty development program conducted by the department

Date : 2018-10-31

Faculty development program conducted by the department
The Department of EIE conducted a three day faculty development program on “Hands on Experience in PLC & HMI - Mitsubishi FA Learning Set Up”from 29 th October to 31 st October 2018. The first day of the program started with an introduction of Mr. P. Prashant, Sr. Engineer, Mitsubishi Electric Private India Ltd., He started with Introduction of PLC and interacted with Participations to know their knowledge on PLC’s and expectations in order to reach the participants perfectly. Basic general examples are taken to explain the participants about PLC and its function. On the second day GT designer programming-HMI (GOT2000) Graphical screen development for real time applications was explained till lunch break.Also Discussion on introduction of servo motor and the respective amplifier specifications with its features were explained. Later PLC programming for servo control using ladder logic was discussed. Introduction to two-axis servo and their applications, GXworks3 Programming Development for two axis control of servos were another topics. Participants actively compiled the programming and checked the operations on FA learning Setup by connecting their laptops with PLC directly through cable. Participants stayed back till 6pm to discuss with the resource person to get their application oriented idea. On the last day various discussions on applications of two axis servo control and their respective PLC programming for control algorithms,Introduction to FR-A820 and programming modules on three phase induction motor speed control were explained.

Dr.S.Harivardhagini is appointed as the treasurer of IEEE- Women In Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group for Hyderabad section 2019.

Date : 2019-01-01

Dr.S.Harivardhagini is appointed as the treasurer of IEEE- Women In Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group for Hyderabad section 2019.
Dr.S.Harivardhagini is appointed as the treasurer o f IEEE- Women In Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group f or Hyderabad section 2019.

Department Activities Dr.S.Harivardhagini is appointed as the treasurer o f IEEE- Women In Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group f or Hyderabad section 2019. Executive committee 2019- IEEE-WIE 2. Daan-utsav celebrated by the department

Date : 2018-10-06

Department Activities  Dr.S.Harivardhagini is appointed as the treasurer o f IEEE- Women In Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group f or  Hyderabad section 2019.  Executive committee 2019- IEEE-WIE  2.  Daan-utsav celebrated by the department
Department of EIE took an initiative to be a part of Daan Utsav on 6/10/2018.the Department has organized High tea and snacks to all attenders and sweepers in the Main block Principal Dr. Nayanthara .K.S and Vice Principal L. C. Siva Reddy and HOD M.S.Bhat themselves served snacks for attenders and shared their joy of giving. The atte nders felt overwhelmed and later thanked everyone.


Date : 2018-05-09

FACULTY VISIT TO CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF TOOL DESIGN ( CITD) Dr. S. Harivardhagini, Professor, Mr. D. ShyamPra sad, Sr. Asst. Prof and Mr.P.Choudesh Varma, Asst. Prof, of EIE are visited CITD on 05-09 -2018 . Central Institute of Tool Design was established in 1968 by the Government of India with main objectives of Training of the Technical personnel in Designing and Manufacture of tools, di es and moulds Design and manufacture of dies, figs, fixtures and Ganges etc. Recommending measures to s tandardize the components Mr. K. Babu rao, Engineer (Trg), MSME explained all the laboratory l ike Embedded System lab, Advanced pneumatic sensor lab. Robotic and PLC lab along with ARIES la b and CNC – Machinery. He explained the several long term and short term training program available for both students and faculty members in the areas of Automation and Tool design.

NSS program conducted in the college

Date : 2018-09-05

NSS program conducted in the college
Mr. C. Pramod Kumar, Asst Prof., from EIE Departme nt being NSS Program Officer organized Swachhata Pakhwada (Fort Night) on 08.09. 2018, Saturday from 09:00 am to 03:40 pm in the college premises. 3rd year NSS Volunteers took part in the program and did their best in cleaning certain block quadrangles. The program was initially inaugurated by Respected Principal Dr. K. S. Nayanathara, Vice Principal Prof.L.C.Siva Reddy and by all the Heads of the Department. Dr M. S. Bhat, HoD, EIE also took part in the program and encouraged student volunteers. Later the volunteers pasted the clean c ampus motivational posters throughout the college to ensure campus is clean and tidy.

Industrial Visit on 09-12-2017

Date : 2017-12-09

Industrial Visit on 09-12-2017
The students of IV EIE are visited Srisailam Left b ank Hydel Power Plant on 09-12-2017. This Industria l visit helped the students to give exposure and deep insight about Hydro electric power plants. The industrial visit was oriented towards the technical features including distributed control systems and modern automation in the left bank power plant. The whole team included 56 students and 6 faculty members of EIE Department

Workshops organized by Department

Date : 2017-12-11

Workshops organized by Department
A 3 day student workshop has been conducted by the department of EIE for III year students on "Advanced Instrumentation using PLC, SCADA & OPC" d uring 11.12.2017 to 13.12.2017 . Two Resource persons, Mr. Harish, Manager & Mr. Sagar, Technical asst., came from Technologics Going Solutions private LTD, Bangalore. 51 students participated en thusiastically in this workshop. Ms. K. Padmaleela, Assistant Professor E.I.E coordinated the program a nd Mr. O. Venkata Krishna Associate Professor E.I.E was the C hief Coordinator. At the end of the program a coupl e of students came forward and gave excellent feedbac k and appreciated the institution in supporting such workshop. The participants received their cert ificates at a concluding ceremony attended by Dr. M.S.Bhat, Head, E.I.E and other faculties of depart ment of EIE.

Workshops Conducted by Department

Date : 2016-11-25

Workshops Conducted by Department
The EIE dept organized One week workshop on “Lab VIEW Based System Design for Multidisciplinary Research Application” during 21 st to 25 th November 2016. The entire works programme was spon sored by CVR College of engineering. There were 36 partic ipants from other departments of CVR College of engineering and from other colleges. The speakers w ere from VI solutions, Bangalore. Topics covered during the workshop were: LabVIEW programming techniques on loops, structures , arrays, clusters, math script etc., Image processing tool for image a cquisition and compression, Hands on experience of DAQ boards, Control system tool box for PID contro ller, Interfacing of sensors to LabVIEW with My DAQ. The speakers in the programme were: Mr. Sunil Kumar, VI Solutions, Bangalore, Mr. Vasan th Kumar, VI Solutions, Bangalore.This Workshop was in augurated by Dr. K. V. Chalapathi Rao, ProfessorEmeritus, CSE Dept, CVR College of Enginee ring.

INSTROGLITZ -Technical Festival

Date : 2017-02-28

INSTROGLITZ -Technical Festival
EXIETEC 2K16 is a technical symposium conducted by Instroglitz, a technical students’ association of department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering . It was conducted on 28 th of February, 2017 . It consists of 5 technical and 5 non-technical ev ents on the whole.Technical events include PAPER PRESENTATION, PROJECT EXPO, TECHNOVATE, TECHRONYM a nd SCAVANGER HUNT. These events are unique in their own streams of patterns which helpe d the participants in many ways. Non-Technical events include DUBSICAL, FACEOFF, MINDSPARK, CID an d Funk from Junk. These non technical events also have attention grabbing publicity and well acq uainted rounds to the students, so many participate d actively in these events.

Mrs. S. Harivardhagini , Associate Professor as presented and published a paper titled “ PID AND FUZZY CONTROL OF PH NEUTRALIZATION AND SPLIT RA NGE PROTOTYPE PLANTS USING LABVIEW”

Date : 2017-02-04

Mrs. S. Harivardhagini , Associate Professor as presented and published a  paper titled “ PID  AND FUZZY CONTROL OF PH NEUTRALIZATION AND SPLIT RA NGE   PROTOTYPE PLANTS USING LABVIEW”
Achievements Ms.S.Harivardhagini, Assoc.Prof, presented and publi shed a paper on “ PID, Sliding Mode Control, Dynamic Mode Control of a pro totyped Split Range Plant using LabVIEW ” and also has been awarded BEST PAPER at 2015 IEEE International Conference on Control system, Computi ng and Engineering(ICCSCE 2015), Jointly organized by IEEE Chapter of control system society, Malaysia Section and Faculty of Electrical Engineering,Univers ity ,Technology MARA(UITM) ON 27-29 November 2015 at Penang, Malaysia.


Date : 2017-11-25

The Measurements and Control Systems Lab was inaugurated on 25-11-2017 by Principal ( Dr.K.S.Nayanatara). Vice-Principal (Prof. L. C. Siva Reddy), Prof & Dean of Academics (Dr. N. V. Rao), Prof & Head of EIE Department (Dr. M. S. Bhat), Prof & Head of Mechanical Department( Dr. M. Venkata Ramana) and faculty members of EIE and Mechanical Engineering were present on the occasion. The laboratory is equipped fully to meet the requirement of experiments to be conducted under ‘Measurements and Control Systems’ for Mechanical Engineering branch as per CBCS curriculum. The laboratory will function under Department of EIE as service subject Lab. With the inauguration of the Laboratory, all the experiments to be performed by Mechanical engineering students under MCS Lab will be in a single place under one roof. The equipment worth Rs. 7, 35, 480/- is entirely funded by the college.

Dr.S.Harivardhagini is appointed as the treasurer of IEEE- Women In Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group for Hyderabad section 2019.

Date : 2019-01-01

Dr.S.Harivardhagini is appointed as the treasurer of IEEE- Women In Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group for Hyderabad section 2019.
The IEEE Hyderabad section has released the SLATE for the year 2019. Dr.S.Harivardhagini is appointed as the treasurer of IEEE- Women In Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group for Hyderabad section 2019.

Felicitation to Prof. S. Narayana

Date : 2018-06-05

Felicitation to Prof. S. Narayana
Prof. S. Narayana, was felicitated by the department of EIE on 5th June 2018. During this felicitation programme Honorable Chairmen Dr. Raghava Cherabuddi and Adviser Dr.C.Madhusudhan Reddy addressed the gathering and shared their experiences. Respected principal Dr. S. Nayanathara,Vice Principal Prof. L.C. Siva Reddy, Director Prof. K. Rama Sastri, outlined their feelings towards Prof S. Narayana and wished him a peaceful life a head with his children and grand children.

Orientation Programme of 15th batch of newly admitted students to department of EIE

Date : 2018-07-31

Orientation Programme of 15th batch of newly admitted students to department of EIE
The newly admitted 18th batch of engineering students at CVR College of Engineering consisted of 60 students of EIE. For the department of EIE, which came into being only in the year 2004 at CVR College of Engineering, the present incoming batch is 15th batch in terms of chronological order. After college level orientation at our Auditorium on 31st July 2018 in the forenoon, the students along with their eager parents were taken to EIE seminar hall at Room No 322 of PG Block. With the presence of many of the staff members of department of EIE, the hall with a seating capacity of 120 members became full and was even overflowing. Dr. M.S.Bhat, Professor& Head of EIE formally welcomed the parents and students and introduced all the staff of the department, who were present in the seminar hall. Notable among them was Emeritus Professor of EIE, Prof. S. Narayana. After the introduction, Mrs. S. Harivardhagini, Associate Professor and Coordinator of the department gave a concise power point presentation of the department covering salient aspects such as the general scope of Instrumentation Engineering, the staff strength and the brief profile of each of the faculty members with their photo, laboratory facility available in the department along with pictures, specific certification programmes exclusively available for students of EIE, career opportunities, specific master level programmes both within the country and outside to which EIE graduates are eligible, the activities by the EIE Students Technical Club, ‘Instroglitz’ and some of the notable achievements of past batch of students etc. At the end of the power point presentation, the students and parents were encouraged to ask questions and clarify their doubts. Questions were answered cogently by relevant subject experts such as Prof. B.N. Mustare, Ms. V. Sreelatha Reddy, Mr. D. Shyam Prasad and Mr. G. Venkateswarlu. The parents were also taken on a brief tour of the laboratory and it was apparent that the parents went quite satisfied for jointing their ward at the department of EIE in CVT College of Engineering

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