Analytics Lab(Cellar CB -1)

List Of Experiments
1. Use Case diagram for ATM system, with use case specification.
2. Identify the classes for the ATM system and draw the Class Diagram.
3. Draw the Sequence and Collaboration diagrams for each of the use cases identified.
4. Draw the State Chart Diagram for the above system.
5. Draw the Activity Diagram for the system.
6. Draw the Component Diagram for the system.
7. Draw the Deployment Diagram for the system.
8. Forward and Reverse engineering the system

R Lab Exercises
1. Write a function which searches for a given key in a vector. Write a separate version each using while loop and repeat loop.
2. Write a function to demonstrate recycling of vectors and matrices in R.
3. Create a list containing students’ roll numbers and attendance by reading the data from an Excel file. Write a function to display the roll numbers with less than 70% attendance.
4. Write a function that counts the number of occurrences of each word in a text file. 5. Create a data frame using the Chick Weight dataset available in R-Studio. Write a function to depict the time-series analysis of the impact of diet on the weight of chicks.
(i) Read the following dataset from the Internet into an appropriately named data frame.
7. Choose a dependent variable and an independent variable from the dataset. Use the linear regression function lm () to compute the regression coefficients.
8. Plot the data and add a regression line to it.
(i) Read the Nile dataset into a data frame.
(ii) Install lattice package from the Internet.
(iii) Create a scatter plot using lattice package.

Programmers :

Mr. Venkateswar Rao

Labs -Conducted

15 periods per week in III yr. II- Semester for conducting R-Programming and Case Tools Lab

Data Bases Lab(Cellar CB - 2)

List Of Experiments

Week 1: E-R
Analyze the problem carefully and come up with the entities in it. Identify what data has to be persisted in the database. This contains the entities, attributes etc. Identify the primary keys for all the entities. Identify the other keys like candidate keys, partial keys, if any.
Example: Entities:  1. CUSTOMER   2. SELLER   3. ITEM   4. PROVIDER PRIMARY KEY ATTRIBUTES: 1. ItemID (ITEM Entity) 2. CustID (CUSTOMER Entity)
Apart from the above mentioned entities you can identify more. The above mentioned are few.

Week 2: Concept design with E-R Model
Relate the entities appropriately. Apply cardinalities for each relationship. Identify strong entities and weak entities (if any). Indicate the type of relationships (total / partial). Try to incorporate generalization, aggregation, specialization etc wherever required.

Week 3: Relational Model
Represent all the entities (Strong, Weak) in tabular fashion. Represent relationships in a tabular fashion. There are different ways of representing relationships as tables based on the cardinality. Represent attributes as columns in tables or as tables based on the requirement. Different types of attributes (Composite, Multi valued, and Derived) have different way of representation. Customer
CustID Name Mail_ID Phone No.

Week 4: Normalization
Database normalization is a technique for designing relational database tables to minimize duplication of information and, in so doing, to safeguard the database against certain types of logical or structural problems, namely data anomalies. For example, when multiple instances of a given piece of information occur in a table, the possibility exists that these instances will not be kept consistent when the data within the table is updated, leading to a loss of data integrity. A table that is sufficiently normalized is less vulnerable to problems of this kind, because its structure reflects the basic assumptions for when multiple instances of the same information should be represented by a single instance only. You can do the second and third normal forms if required.

Week 5: Installation of Mysql and practicing DDL commands
Installation of MySql. In this week you will learn Creating databases, How to create tables, altering the database, dropping tables and databases If not required. You will also try truncate, rename commands etc.
Week 6: Practicing DML commands
DML commands are used to for managing data within schema objects. Some examples:
• SELECT - retrieve data from the a database
• INSERT - insert data into a table
• UPDATE - updates existing data within a table
• DELETE - deletes all records from a table, the space for the records remain

Week 7: Querying
In this week you are going to practice queries (along with sub queries) using ANY, ALL, IN, Exists, NOT EXISTS, UNION, INTERSECT, Constraints etc.

Week8 and week 9: Querying (continued…)
You are going to practice queries using Aggregate functions (COUNT, SUM, AVG, and MAX and MIN), GROUP BY, HAVING and Creation and dropping of Views.

Week 10: Triggers
In this week you are going to work on Triggers. Creation of insert trigger, delete trigger, update trigger. Practice triggers using the above database.
Week 11: Procedures
In this session you will learn Creation of stored procedure, Execution of procedure and modification of procedure. Practice procedures using the above database.
Week 12: Cursors
In this week you will learn Declare a cursor that defines a result set. Open the cursor to establish the result set. Fetch the data into local variables as needed from the cursor, one row at a time. Close the cursor when done.


:: Ms. Sony

Labs -Conducted

15 periods per week in II yr. II- Semester for conducting Data Base Management Systems Lab

Web Engineering Lab(111, 112 CB)

List Of Experiments
Web Engineering

Week 1: Working with Static web pages.
Develop static web pages (using only HTML) of an online Book store. Make your own assumptions regarding the contents. The website should consist: Home page, Registration page , Login page, User profile page, Books catalog display, Order page, Payment page and so on..

Week 2: Enhancement of previous week job.
Adding different styles to the web pages created in the previous week and enhancing the usability using CSS.
Week 3: Working with Java Script and Regular Expressions
Validate the registration, user login, user profile and payment pages using JavaScript. Make use of any needed JavaScript objects.

Week 4: Improvise the pages by introducing DOM.
Access and modify the webpage elements using DOM API
Week 5: Working with XML

Write an XML file which will display the Book information with the following fields: Title of the book, Author Name, ISBN number, Publisher name, Edition, Price Working with DTDs (Validating XML document) Define a Document Type Definition (DTD) and XML schema to validate the above created XML Documents
Week 6: Working with XSLT
Display the above XML file as follows: The contents should be displayed in a table. The header of the table should be in color GREY. And the Author names column should be displayed in one color and should be capitalized and in bold. Use your own colors for remaining columns. Use XML schemas XSL and CSS for the above purpose.
Week 7: Developing JDBC based Applications
 Write a java program to establish a connection to a database and execute simple SQL queries.  Write a java program to demonstrate the usage of JDBC in performing various DML statements. Use prepared statements and callable statements.
Week 8:
 Write a java based application to demonstrate the Updatable and Scrollable result sets.  Write a java program to access meta data of the SQL database.
Week 9:
 Write a program to accept request parameters from a form and generate the response.  Write a program to accept ServletConfig and ServletContext parameters.
Week 10:
Assume four users user1, user2, user3 and user4 having the passwords pwd1, pwd2, pwd3 and, pwd4 respectively. Write a servlet for doing the following functionalities  Create a Cookie and add these four user ids and passwords to this Cookie.  Read the user id and password entered into the Login form and authenticate with the values (user id and passwords) available in the cookies. If the person is a valid user (i.e., user-name and password match) you should welcome by name (user-name) else you should display the message “ You are not an authenticated user “.
Week 11:
 Develop a servlet to demonstrate the database access and update from a database.  Create a servlet to implement an authentication filter mechanism.  Develop a servlet to implement servlet context and session listeners.

Week 12: Working with JSP
Write a JSP which does the following job:  Insert the details of the three users who register with the web site by using registration form.  Authenticate the user when he submits the login form using the user name and password from the database.
Week 13:
Write a JSP to demonstrate the usage of JSP standard actions. Write a JSP to show the usage of various scripting elements.
Week 14:
Write a JSP to illustrate the Features of Expression Language. Design and use a custom tag library.
Week 15:
Design a simple application using both Servlets and JSPs along with database access.
Data-Structure Through JAVA

1. Write a Java program to design a Stack using Arrays and userdefined linked list.
2. Write a Java program to design a Queue using Arrays and userdefined linked list.
3. Design a Generic stack based on program 1 to deal with Integer and String data
4. Design a Generic queue based on program 1 to deal with Integer and String data.
5. a) Design a java program to implement stacks using LinkedList Collection class
b) Design a java program to implement stacks using ArrayList Collection class
6. a) Design a java program to implement queues using LinkedList Collection class
b) Design a java program to implement queues using ArrayList Collection class
7. Design a java program demonstrate the use of following collections
a. HashSet b. LinkedHashSet c. TreeSet
8. a) Design a java program to demonstrate usage of Set Interface
b) Demonstrate usage of SortedSet Interface
9. Design a java program to demonstrate usage of Map and HashMap Interface
10. Implement BST using Collections API. Override toString() method to display inOrder, preOrder & postOrder Traversals.
11. Implement AVL tree using Collections API
12. Implement BTree using java Collections API.
13. Write a java program to implement Heap Sort
14. Write a java program to implement BM algorithm.
15. Write a java program to implement KMP algorithm.


Ms. Uma Maheswari

Labs -Conducted

15 periods per week in III yr. I- Semester for conducting Web Technologies Lab
15 periods per week in II yr. II- Semester for conducting Data Structures using Java Lab

.NET Programming Lab(203, 204 CB)

List Of Experiments
OOPS Through Java

Week 1
1. Write a simple program with a main () method to print messages to the console; the purpose is to learn how to invoke the compiler and virtual machine through a console window..
2. Write a program to implement the different types of operators, to perform the following tasks: comparison of values, simple arithmetic, and bit-wise operations.
Week 2:
1. Write a program to check and print the grade of a student when the score is given as an integer. Use a switch statement. Rewrite the program to use a sequence of if-else statements.
2. Write a program to demonstrate the task of overloading of constructors.
3. With a well-written program demonstrate the usage of this keyword and thereby understand the implications of using same identifier for fields and parameters.
Week 3:
1.Write a program to check the difference in passing primitive values and object references as arguments to a method.
2.Write a program to understand method overloading.
3.Write a program to utilize both standard and custom packages. The program should reflect the usage of packages in a correct manner, along with the purpose of access modifiers.
Week 4:
1. To illustrate the concept of inheritance, write a program using the hierarchy of employees in a university. 2. Use the above program to illustrate the super and final keywords.
Week 5:
1.Demonstrate the use of abstract classes. Write a Person abstract class and then subclass that into Student and Faculty classes. Use appropriate fields and methods.
2.Write a program to demonstrate the usage of interfaces.
Week 6:
1. Write a program to understand the full capability of String class. Implement as many methods as required. Consult API documentation to read through the methods.
2. Write programs using StringBuffer and StringBuilder library classes.
Week 7:
1. Write a program to demonstrate the usage of try and associated keywords. Introduce bugs into the program to raise exceptions and then catch and process them.
2. Learn how to throw an exception from your method, when an exception arises.
Week 8:
1.Using byte streams, write a program to both read from and write to files.
2.Using FileReader and FileWriter, write a program to perform file copying and any other suitable operations.
Week 9:
1. Write a program using the object streams.
2. Write a program to show the power of Serialization.
Week 10:
1. Write a program to demonstrate enumerations.
2. Write a program to understand the usage of assertions and various annotations.
Week 11:
1. Use jar command and understand the various command options.
2. Use an applet to demonstrate deployment of an application.
Week 12:
1.Write programs to illustrate the use of Thread class and Runnable interface.
2.Write a program to show the assignment of thread priorities.
3.Write a program to synchronize threads. Use any problem to illustrate the concept.
Week 13:
1.Write a program to design a frame and control its various display properties.
2. Write a program to understand nested classes.
3. Write a program to understand key events and mouse events.
Week 14:
1. Write programs to understand the usage of swing widgets.
2.Write a program to understand the usage of tool tips, file choosers.
3.Write a program to demonstrate any layout manager. Use a suitable application.
Week 15:
1. Write a program to attach menus to a window.
2. Write a program using Tables.
Week – 16 & Week – 17
Develop a standalone application using a Banking (or any other) enterprise as a base concept. Use appropriate classes and interfaces and develop a swing-based GUI application to present the activities of the organization. Use only simple activities to demonstrate the usage of IO streams, multithreading and exception handling concepts. Keeping in view this application goals, use appropriate practice programs in the previous weeks.

1. Working with callbacks and delegates in C#: Demonstrates the use of delegates, callbacks, and synchronous and asynchronous method invocation.
2. Using Reflection in C#: Demonstrate how to gather information on various types included in any assembly by using the System.Reflection namespace and some main .NET base classes.
3. Perform String Manipulation with the String Builder and String Classes and C#: Demonstrates some basic string manipulation using both the String Builder and String classes.
4. Sending Mail with SmtpMail in C#: Uses a simple Web form to demonstrate how to use the SmtpMail class in the .NET Framework.
5. Using the System.Net.WebClient to Retrieve or Upload Data with C#: Demonstrate how to create a Windows Form that can use HTTP to download and save a resource from a specified URI, upload a resource to a specified URI, or read and write data through a stream object.
6. Student Management System application development with required details: Use ADO.NET for storing and manipulating the data. Develop the necessary forms for the better user interface.
7. Convert the above application to a web application using ASP.Net and SQL Server.Use IIS to deploy the web application developed in


Mrs. S. Bharathi

Labs -Conducted

15 periods per week in II yr. I- Semester for conducting Object Oriented Programming using Java Lab
15 periods per week in III yr. II- Semester for conducting Visual Programming using C#.NET Lab

Mobile Application Development Lab(Library II Floor)


1. Create “Hello World” application which displays Hello World in the middle of the screen in the red color with white background.
2. To understand Activity and Intent
 Create sample application with login module. (Check username and password)
 On successful login, go to next screen, and on failing login, alert user using Toast.
 Also pass username to next screen
3. Create login application where you will have to validate EmailID (Username) till the username and password is not validated, login button should remain disabled.
4. Create a login application as above and on successful login, open browser with any URL.
5. Demonstrate the concept of passing data through intents by developing an application.
6. Understand resource folders:
 Create spinner with strings taken from resource folder (res/values)
 On changing spinner value, change image.
7. Implement menu options.
 Create an application that will change color of the screen based on selected options from menu.
8. Demonstrate the process of displaying toast (message) on specific interval of time.
9. Implement a background application that will open activity on specific time.
10. Demonstrate the use of shared preferences object by developing an application to set foreground color and background color of a screen.
11. Comprehend UI:
 Develop a UI that displays list of all types of cars in first screen.
 On selecting a car name, next screen should show car details like name, launched date, company name, images(using gallery) if available, show different colors in which it is available.
12. Demonstrate content providers and permissions.
 Read phonebook contacts using content providers and display in list.
13. Analyse android messaging system and write an application that reads messages from the mobile and displays it on the screen.
14. Implement an application to call specific entered number by user in an EditText
15. Understand user defined content providers and apply them to create an application that will implement books store.
16. Develop an application that demonstrates reading files from asset folder and copying into memory card.
17. Create an application that will play a media file from the memory card.
18. Create an application to make insert, update, delete and retrieve operations on database.
19. Demonstrate the process of reading file from sd card and displaying file content on the screen.
20. Implement an application that draws line on the screen as user drags his finger.
21. Create an application to send a message between two emulators.
22. Demonstrate the process of taking a picture using native application.
23. Comprehend the Image views and develop an application to pick up any image from the native application gallery and display it on the screen.
24. Create an application to open any URL inside the application and clicking on any link from that URI should not open Native browser but that URL should open in the same screen.


Mrs. Lavanya

Labs -Conducted

15 periods per week in III yr. I- Semester for conducting Hands on Mobile Application Development using Android Lab

English Language Communication Skills Lab – I (113 & 114 I Year Block)


Ms. Hari Priya

Labs -Conducted

30 periods per week in I yr. I- Semester for conducting English Language Communication Skills Lab
30 periods per week in I yr. II - Semester for conducting English Language Communication Skills Lab

English Language Communication Skills Lab – II (207, 208 I Year Block)


Mr. Srihari Rao

Labs -Conducted

30 periods per week in I yr. I- Semester for conducting English Language Communication Skills Lab
30 periods per week in I yr. II - Semester for conducting English Language Communication Skills Lab

Operating Systems Lab (318, 319 I Year Block)


Ms. Sunitha

Labs -Conducted

30 periods per week in I yr. II- Semester for conducting Computational Mathematics Lab

Data Structures Lab – I(204, 205 I Year Block)


Mr. P. Sudhakar

Labs -Conducted

30 periods per week in I yr. I- Semester for conducting Problem Solving through C Lab
30 periods per week in I yr. II- Semester for conducting Data Structures through C Lab

Data Structures Lab – II (304, 305 I Year Block)


Mrs. A. Uma Rani

Labs -Conducted

30 periods per week in I yr. I- Semester for conducting Problem Solving through C Lab
30 periods per week in I yr. II- Semester for conducting Data Structures through C Lab

Computational Mathematics Lab - I(308, 309 I Year Block)


Mrs. B. Vijaya Lakshmi

Labs -Conducted

30 periods per week in IV yr. I- Semester for conducting Data Mining and Compiler Design Lab and Linux Programming Lab
30 periods per week in I yr. II- Semester for conducting Computational Mathematics Lab

Projects Lab - 1


Ms. Uma Maheswari

Labs -Conducted

IV yr. I-sem CSE Lab open for students for doing their Mini Projects from Monday to Friday 2.30 to 6 pm
IV yr. II-sem CSE Lab open for students for doing their Major Projects from Wednesday Afternoon onwards till Friday

Projects Lab - 2


Ms. Sony

Labs -Conducted

IV yr. I-sem CSE Lab open for students for doing their Mini Projects from Monday to Friday 2.30 to 6 pm
IV yr. II-sem CSE Lab open for students for doing their Major Projects from Wednesday Afternoon onwards till Friday